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Wednesday 15 May 2013

UK Sephora?

Hello! So as this is my first post (eeeeek how exciting), I thought I'd make it about something I'm quite passionate about. A few months ago I went to Paris with uni for four days - it was absolutely fabulous.

After our walk up the Eiffel Tower we wanted to go shopping. We went via tucktuck to Champs-Elysees which is where all of the shops such as Mac, Sephora, Louis Vuitton etc are. After I fell inlove with Sephora's products including their own brand, I got thinking - why is there not a UK Sephora?

I know what you’re thinking, do we really need another beauty/make up store in the UK? No, probably not. But my experience in Sephora was not like any I’ve ever had in any other beauty store before.

After walking in and being handed a tester of Dior’s newest perfume by a beautiful male in a tux holding a rose, I managed to grab two products immediately – Sephora’s sculpting pallet and Ciate Caviar 8 piece Mini Bar.

Shortly after that loud cheers emerged from the front of the store and I looked down the red carpet isle to see around 15 members of the Sephora team dancing to a obviously planned and rehearsed, Gangnam Style. A-mazing.

The customer service and atmosphere was excellent. Not to mention the products (which I will be writing a separate post on because they’re that amazing) they had everything. My only regret is that I didn’t buy more. Which is what has lead me to this post…why do we not have a Sephora in the UK? We need one! I’m regretting not buying products and coming home with over €100 left!
I’ve done my research – in the mid 2000′s Sephora had come and gone with 10 stores.

After being on Sephora’s website it’s obvious I’m not the only one who would benefit from this, hundreds of people have commented on the internet requesting one in the UK.

Everything was perfect, from the decor to the carrier bags (big fan of posh carriers). Although I did walk a few doors up to MAC and receive a free tote bag. Overall, Paris was amazing – I want to go back just to go to MAC and Sephora!

Sadly, I did contact Sephora and question them and they replied with “We currently do not have any plans for retail locations in England.” *sad face* They did add that they do ship to “England and several other European counrties via Sephora France.” But is this really a true Sephora experience that everyone should be able to take part in? No and it would cost you around €15 delivery *extra sad face.*

So please Sephora, come back!

Love Sophie x


  1. I just went to my first Sephora in Denmark and i totally agree - we need on in the UK!!

    1. We do!! I loved it and need one desperately!!


  2. completely agree with you that we need a sephora here! i always stock up whenever i'm anywhere near one, really wish there was one a bit closer than france though! xx

    1. I know what you mean, I wish I had stocked up a little more! I will be next time! xx
